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Consciousness & the Brain: Annotated Bibliography

Written on March 15, 2007

An extensive annotated bibliography on consciousness and the brain is available here: www.consciousness-brain.org.

Arranged by author, the bibliography covers articles and books. Most of the entries have annotations, sometimes quite detailed summaries of the content. A few have links. The latest date I saw was 1996.

Filed in: consciousness.


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  1. Comment by Giuseppe Vitiello:

    I would like to suggest to include the following books in the list:

    Giuseppe Vitiello, “My Double unveiled”, (Advances in Consciousness Research, 32) John Benjamins Publish. Co., Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2001

    This introduction to the dissipative quantum model of brain and to its possible implications for consciousness studies is addressed to a broad interdisciplinary udience. Memory and consciousness are approached from the physicist point of view focusing on the basic observation that the brain is an open system continuously interacting with its environment. The unavoidable dissipative character of the brain functioning turns out to be the root of the brain’s large memory capacity and of other memory features such as memory association,
    memory confusion, duration of memory.
    The openness of the brain implies a formal picture of the world which is modeled on the same brain image: a sort of brain copy or “Double”, where world objectiveness and the brain implicit subjectivity are conjugated. Consciousness is seen to arise from the permanent “dialogue” of the brain with its Double. The author’s narration of his (re-)search crosses-over between the physics of elementary particles and condensed matter, and the brain’s basic dynamics. This dynamic interplay makes for a “satisfying feeling of the unity of knowledge”.

    Gordon G. Globus, Karl H. Pribram and Giuseppe Vitiello Editors, “Brain and Being” (Advances in Consciousness Research, 58) John Benjamins Publish. Co., Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2004

    June 17, 2007 @ 2:17 am
  2. Comment by mymindonbooks:

    Thanks, Giuseppe. I don’t know if that bibliography is still being maintained, but I forwarded your suggestions to the addresses listed there.

    June 18, 2007 @ 8:27 am

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