Over 60 “top-rated nonfiction” titles in today’s Kindle Daily Deal (4/25)!
Written on April 25, 2013
Today’s Kindle Daily Deal includes a great selection of nonfiction, 61 books!
(Amazon: “Individual titles may have additional territory restrictions, and not all deals are available in all territories. Amazon may modify the selection of books offered at any time.”)
Selections include:
The Secret Life of Pronouns by James W. Pennebaker for $2.99
The Art Instinct by Denis Dotton for $2.99
Survival of the Beautiful by David Rothenberg for $2.99
The Moral Lives of Animals by Dale Peterson for $2.99
Bozo Sapiens: Why To Err is Human by Michael & Ellen Kaplan for $2.99
(Note: I receive a small referral fee for purchases made through these links, at no extra charge to you as the buyer.)
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