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upcoming “Tools for Participation: Collaboration, Deliberation, and Decision Support” DIAC Symposium, UC Berkeley, June 26-29, 2008

Written on June 24, 2008

It’s not too late to register for the upcoming DIAC conference to be held at UC Berkeley later this week. The conference is sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) and the UC Berkeley School of Information (which I attended back when it was the School of “Library and Information Studies”). A public event is planned for Sunday June 29.

At the dawn of the 21st century humankind faces challenges of profound proportions. The ability of people around the world to discuss, work, make decisions, and take action collaboratively is one of the most important capabilities for addressing these challenges.

Researchers, scholars, activists, advocates, artists, educators, technologists, designers, students, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, journalists and citizens are rising to these challenges in many ways, including devising new communication technologies that build on the opportunities afforded by the Internet and other new (as well as old) media. The interactions between technological and social systems are of special and central importance in this area.

DIAC-08 combines CPSR’s 11th DIAC symposium with the third Conference on Online Deliberation. The joint conference is intended to provide a platform and a forum for highlighting socio-technological opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls in the area of community and civic action. Technology enhanced community action ranges from informal communities of practice to democratic governance of formal organizations to large social movements.

Visit the conference website for details on the program and registration.

Filed in: culture.

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