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Monthly Archive March, 2007

Evolution of religion – The New York Times Magazine 3/4/07

March 8, 2007

“Darwin’s God” – excerpt:

Lost in the hullabaloo over the neo-atheists is a quieter and potentially more illuminating debate. It is taking place not between science and religion but within science itself, specifically among the scientists studying the evolution of religion. These scholars tend to agree on one point: that religious belief is an outgrowth of brain architecture that evolved during early human history. What they disagree about is why a tendency to believe evolved, whether it was because belief itself was adaptive or because it was just an evolutionary byproduct, a mere consequence of some other adaptation in the evolution of the human brain.

go to the full article at NYT Magazine

Authors discussed in the article:

According to the byproduct theorists, religion arose as a kind of “spandrel” from other adaptive mental characteristics such as agent detection, causal reasoning, and theory of mind or folk psychology, leading to concepts such as “minimally counterintuitive agents.” Adaptationists look for reasons why belief in religion is itself adaptive.

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SF Chronicle article 3/7/07- “America’s pursuit of happiness picks up steam” by Steven Winn

March 7, 2007

Steven Winn discusses some recent books on happiness in today’s SF Chronicle:
link to article

Books featured in the article include: Happiness: A History by Darrin McMahon and Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert.

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New book – “I am a Strange Loop” by Douglas Hofstadter

March 4, 2007

A new book on consciousness by Douglas Hofstadter is scheduled to be released tomorrow (March 5, 2007):

I Am a Strange Loop

Hofstadter’s home page is here: link

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