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now on Kindle – ‘Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century’ by Edward F Kelly et al.

February 4, 2013

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February’s “100 Kindle books for $3.99 or less” at Amazon.com

February 1, 2013

This month’s 100 Kindle books for $3.99 or less includes:

Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships (P.S.) by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá for $2.99 (originally published in 2010).
Sex at Dawn
Book description from the publisher:

Since Darwin’s day, we’ve been told that sexual monogamy comes naturally to our species. Mainstream science–as well as religious and cultural institutions–has maintained that men and women evolved in families in which a man’s possessions and protection were exchanged for a woman’s fertility and fidelity. But this narrative is collapsing. Fewer and fewer couples are getting married, and divorce rates keep climbing as adultery and flagging libido drag down even seemingly solid marriages.
How can reality be reconciled with the accepted narrative? It can’t be, according to renegade thinkers Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá. While debunking almost everything we “know” about sex, they offer a bold alternative explanation in this provocative and brilliant book.
Ryan and Jethá’s central contention is that human beings evolved in egalitarian groups that shared food, child care, and, often, sexual partners. Weaving together convergent, frequently overlooked evidence from anthropology, archaeology, primatology, anatomy, and psychosexuality, the authors show how far from human nature monogamy really is. Human beings everywhere and in every era have confronted the same familiar, intimate situations in surprisingly different ways. The authors expose the ancient roots of human sexuality while pointing toward a more optimistic future illuminated by our innate capacities for love, cooperation, and generosity.
With intelligence, humor, and wonder, Ryan and Jethá show how our promiscuous past haunts our struggles over monogamy, sexual orientation, and family dynamics. They explore why long-term fidelity can be so difficult for so many; why sexual passion tends to fade even as love deepens; why many middle-aged men risk everything for transient affairs with younger women; why homosexuality persists in the face of standard evolutionary logic; and what the human body reveals about the prehistoric origins of modern sexuality.
In the tradition of the best historical and scientific writing, Sex at Dawn unapologetically upends unwarranted assumptions and unfounded conclusions while offering a revolutionary understanding of why we live and love as we do.

Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five by John Medina for $2.99 (originally published in 2010)

Brain Rules for Baby

Book description from the publisher:

What’s the single most important thing you can do during pregnancy? How much TV is OK for a baby? What’s the best way to handle temper tantrums? Scientists know.

In his New York Times bestseller Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina showed us how our brains really work—and why we ought to redesign our workplaces and schools. Now, in Brain Rules for Baby, he bridges the gap between what scientists know and parents practice. Just one of the surprises: The best way to get your children into the college? Teach them impulse control.

Through fascinating and funny stories, Medina, a developmental molecular biologist and dad, unravels how a child’s brain develops. You will view your children–and how to raise them–in a whole new light.

You will view your children—and how to raise them—in a whole new light. You’ll learn:

Where nature ends and nurture begins
Why men should do more household chores
What to do when emotions run hot
The importance of your child’s ability to relate to others
Smart and happy are inseparable in the brain
The best predictor of academic performance
The only parenting style proven to produce great kids
What you do right now—before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and through the first five years—will affect your children for the rest of their lives. Brain Rules for Baby is an indispensable guide.

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new book – ‘Paleopoetics: The Evolution of the Preliterate Imagination’ by Christopher Collins

January 16, 2013


Paleopoetics: The Evolution of the Preliterate Imagination by Christopher Collins (Columbia University Press, 2013)

(kindle ed.), (amazon.co.uk)

Book description from the publisher:

Christopher Collins introduces an exciting new field of research that traverses evolutionary biology, anthropology, archaeology, cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and literary study. Paleopoetics maps the selective processes that shaped the human genus millions of years ago and prepared the human brain to play, imagine, empathize, and engage in fictive thought as mediated by language. A manifestation of the “cognitive turn” in the humanities, this study calls for a broader, more integrated interpretation of the reading experience, one that restores our connection to the ancient methods of thought production still resonating within us.

Speaking with authority on the scientific aspects of cognitive poetics, Collins proposes reading literature using cognitive skills that predate language and writing. These include the brain’s capacity to perceive the visible world, store its images, and retrieve them later to form simulated mental events. Long before humans could share stories through speech, they perceived, remembered, and imagined their own inner narratives. Drawing on a wide range of evidence, Collins builds an evolutionary bridge between humans’ development of sensorimotor skills and their achievement of linguistic cognition, bringing current scientific perspective to such issues as the structure of narrative, the distinction between metaphor and metonymy, the relation of rhetoric to poetics, the relevance of performance theory to reading, the difference between orality and writing, and the nature of play and imagination.

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free kindle ebook on Amazon.com : ‘Give Me a Break – the art of making time work for you’ by Hugh Culver

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$2.99 kindle ebook at Amazon.com: ‘The Empathic Brain’ by Christian Keysers (2011)

January 4, 2013

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