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reports from Tucson consciousness conference

Written on April 9, 2008

I’m hoping to find lots of blog coverage of the 2008 Tucson conference “Toward a Science of Consciousness” that’s going on right now through Sunday, so I can participate vicariously. So far here’s what I’ve found:

Erik Davis on a pre-conference workshop on Julian Jaynes

Eric Schwitzgebel at the Splintered Mind discusses a workshop he led with Russ Hurlburt on inner experience

John Derbyshire reports from the conference

“HOT Implies PAM” presentation preview from Richard Brown

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2008

Filed in: consciousness.


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  1. Comment by Denise Meyer:

    Would you consider adding this book to your listings? Review copies re available if you are interested.

    Eirini Press releases Sciousness, edited by Jonathan Bricklin
    In his classic textbook on psychology, William James coined the term “sciousness,” the
    prime reality of non-dual consciousness, without a sense of self. In later essays,
    sciousness was used by James to challenge the common sense division of reality into
    subjects and objects. When quantum physicists such as Neils Bohr began issuing the
    same challenge a decade later, they discovered that James had prepared the way. And as
    the first modern-trained scientist to affirm the prime reality of non-dual experience,
    James prepared the way for Westerners today who seek to comprehend mainstream
    Eastern spiritual teachings — such as advaita, yoga, taoism, and zen — or the mystic
    sidestreams of our own culture — such as Parmenides, Plotinus, and Eckhart. So
    aligned, in fact, was James’s thought to the East, that renowned Japanese philosopher,
    Kitaro Nishida, used James to explain Zen to the Japanese themselves.
    This volume features Jonathan Bricklin’s critically acclaimed essay Sciousness and Consciousness,
    William James and the Prime Reality of Non-Dual Experience, along with James’s
    seminal essays: Does Consciousness Exist, The Notion of Consciousness, A World of Pure
    Experience, excerpts, a commentary by James’s colleague the eminent psychologist,
    Theodore Flournoy, as well as the Third Zen Patriarch Sosan’s treatise, On Believing in
    Mind. Together they form a manifesto of non-dualism from the 7th century to the 21st.
    This is the inaugural publication of Eirini Press, whose mission is to explore
    reawakenings to wholeness.
    ISBN: 978-0-9799989-0-4
    Listed on Bowker, Amazon
    Wholesale orders: Booksurge.com
    Or contact sales[at]eirinipress.com
    To request a review copy or interview, please contact Denise Meyer (203-458-1321 or

    April 11, 2008 @ 4:54 am
  2. Comment by mymindonbooks:

    Denise, Thank you – I’d actually posted about that book awhile ago:

    I was hoping to get a copy through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program but missed out. I thought the idea of “sciousness” sounded pretty
    interesting. I’ve emailed you too about the book.

    April 12, 2008 @ 12:53 pm
  3. Pingback from a few more from Tucson consciousness conference | my mind on books:

    […] a link to the earlier post that collected some reports from the beginning of the […]

    April 13, 2008 @ 11:04 am

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